
string.spad line 1 [edit on github]

This domain provides the basic character data type.

<=: (%, %) -> Boolean

from PartialOrder

<: (%, %) -> Boolean

from PartialOrder

=: (%, %) -> Boolean

from BasicType

>=: (%, %) -> Boolean

from PartialOrder

>: (%, %) -> Boolean

from PartialOrder

~=: (%, %) -> Boolean

from BasicType

alphabetic?: % -> Boolean

alphabetic?(c) tests if c is a letter, i.e. one of a..z or A..Z.

alphanumeric?: % -> Boolean

alphanumeric?(c) tests if c is either a letter or number, i.e. one of 0..9, a..z or A..Z.

char: Integer -> %

char(i) provides a character corresponding to the integer code i. It is always true that ord char i = i.

char: String -> %

char(s) provides a character from a string s of length one.

coerce: % -> OutputForm

from CoercibleTo OutputForm

convert: % -> InputForm

from ConvertibleTo InputForm

digit?: % -> Boolean

digit?(c) tests if c is a digit character, i.e. one of 0..9.

enumerate: () -> List %

from Finite

hash: % -> SingleInteger

from Hashable

hashUpdate!: (HashState, %) -> HashState

from Hashable

hexDigit?: % -> Boolean

hexDigit?(c) tests if c is a hexadecimal numeral, i.e. one of 0..9, a..f or A..F.

index: PositiveInteger -> %

from Finite

latex: % -> String

from SetCategory

lookup: % -> PositiveInteger

from Finite

lowerCase?: % -> Boolean

lowerCase?(c) tests if c is an lower case letter, i.e. one of a..z.

lowerCase: % -> %

lowerCase(c) converts an upper case letter to the corresponding lower case letter. If c is not an upper case letter, then it is returned unchanged.

max: (%, %) -> %

from OrderedSet

min: (%, %) -> %

from OrderedSet

newline: () -> %

newline() provides the newline character.

ord: % -> Integer

ord(c) provides an integral code corresponding to the character c. It is always true that char ord c = c.

quote: () -> %

quote() provides the string quote character, ".

random: () -> %

from Finite

size: () -> NonNegativeInteger

from Finite

smaller?: (%, %) -> Boolean

from Comparable

space: () -> %

space() provides the blank character.

underscore: () -> %

underscore() provides the underscore character, _, which is used to allow quotes and other characters within strings.

upperCase?: % -> Boolean

upperCase?(c) tests if c is an upper case letter, i.e. one of A..Z.

upperCase: % -> %

upperCase(c) converts a lower case letter to the corresponding upper case letter. If c is not a lower case letter, then it is returned unchanged.


CoercibleTo OutputForm


ConvertibleTo InputForm





