ExtensibleLinearAggregate S¶
aggcat.spad line 2179 [edit on github]
S: Type
An extensible aggregate is one which allows insertion and deletion of entries. These aggregates are models of lists which are represented by linked structures so as to make insertion, deletion, and concatenation efficient. However, access to elements of these extensible aggregates is generally slow since access is made from the end. See FlexibleArray for an exception.
- #: % -> NonNegativeInteger if % has finiteAggregate
from Aggregate
- <=: (%, %) -> Boolean if S has OrderedSet and % has finiteAggregate
from PartialOrder
- <: (%, %) -> Boolean if S has OrderedSet and % has finiteAggregate
from PartialOrder
- =: (%, %) -> Boolean if S has SetCategory or S has Hashable and % has finiteAggregate or S has BasicType and % has finiteAggregate
from BasicType
- >=: (%, %) -> Boolean if S has OrderedSet and % has finiteAggregate
from PartialOrder
- >: (%, %) -> Boolean if S has OrderedSet and % has finiteAggregate
from PartialOrder
- ~=: (%, %) -> Boolean if S has SetCategory or S has Hashable and % has finiteAggregate or S has BasicType and % has finiteAggregate
from BasicType
- any?: (S -> Boolean, %) -> Boolean if % has finiteAggregate
from HomogeneousAggregate S
- coerce: % -> OutputForm if S has CoercibleTo OutputForm
from CoercibleTo OutputForm
- concat!: (%, %) -> %
concat!(u, v)
destructively appendsv
to the end ofu
is unchanged
- concat!: (%, S) -> %
concat!(u, x)
destructively adds elementx
to the end ofu
- concat: (%, %) -> %
from LinearAggregate S
- concat: (%, S) -> %
from LinearAggregate S
- concat: (S, %) -> %
from LinearAggregate S
- concat: List % -> %
from LinearAggregate S
- construct: List S -> %
from Collection S
- convert: % -> InputForm if S has ConvertibleTo InputForm
from ConvertibleTo InputForm
- copyInto!: (%, %, Integer) -> % if % has finiteAggregate
from LinearAggregate S
- count: (S -> Boolean, %) -> NonNegativeInteger if % has finiteAggregate
from HomogeneousAggregate S
- count: (S, %) -> NonNegativeInteger if S has BasicType and % has finiteAggregate
from HomogeneousAggregate S
- delete!: (%, Integer) -> %
delete!(u, i)
destructively deletes thei
th element ofu
- delete!: (%, UniversalSegment Integer) -> %
delete!(u, i..j)
destructively deletes elementsu
- delete: (%, Integer) -> %
from LinearAggregate S
- delete: (%, UniversalSegment Integer) -> %
from LinearAggregate S
- elt: (%, Integer) -> S
- elt: (%, Integer, S) -> S
from EltableAggregate(Integer, S)
- elt: (%, UniversalSegment Integer) -> %
from Eltable(UniversalSegment Integer, %)
- entries: % -> List S
from IndexedAggregate(Integer, S)
- entry?: (S, %) -> Boolean if S has BasicType and % has finiteAggregate
from IndexedAggregate(Integer, S)
- eval: (%, Equation S) -> % if S has Evalable S and S has SetCategory
from Evalable S
- eval: (%, List Equation S) -> % if S has Evalable S and S has SetCategory
from Evalable S
- eval: (%, List S, List S) -> % if S has Evalable S and S has SetCategory
from InnerEvalable(S, S)
- eval: (%, S, S) -> % if S has Evalable S and S has SetCategory
from InnerEvalable(S, S)
- every?: (S -> Boolean, %) -> Boolean if % has finiteAggregate
from HomogeneousAggregate S
- fill!: (%, S) -> %
from IndexedAggregate(Integer, S)
- find: (S -> Boolean, %) -> Union(S, failed)
from Collection S
- first: % -> S
from IndexedAggregate(Integer, S)
- first: (%, NonNegativeInteger) -> %
from LinearAggregate S
- hash: % -> SingleInteger if S has Hashable and % has finiteAggregate
from Hashable
- hashUpdate!: (HashState, %) -> HashState if S has Hashable and % has finiteAggregate
from Hashable
- index?: (Integer, %) -> Boolean
from IndexedAggregate(Integer, S)
- indices: % -> List Integer
from IndexedAggregate(Integer, S)
- insert!: (%, %, Integer) -> %
insert!(v, u, i)
destructively inserts aggregatev
at positioni
- insert!: (S, %, Integer) -> %
insert!(x, u, i)
destructively insertsx
at positioni
- insert: (%, %, Integer) -> %
from LinearAggregate S
- insert: (S, %, Integer) -> %
from LinearAggregate S
- latex: % -> String if S has SetCategory
from SetCategory
- leftTrim: (%, S) -> % if S has BasicType and % has finiteAggregate
from LinearAggregate S
- less?: (%, NonNegativeInteger) -> Boolean
from Aggregate
- map!: (S -> S, %) -> %
from HomogeneousAggregate S
- map: ((S, S) -> S, %, %) -> %
from LinearAggregate S
- map: (S -> S, %) -> %
from HomogeneousAggregate S
- max: % -> S if S has OrderedSet and % has finiteAggregate
from HomogeneousAggregate S
- max: (%, %) -> % if S has OrderedSet and % has finiteAggregate
from OrderedSet
- max: ((S, S) -> Boolean, %) -> S if % has finiteAggregate
from HomogeneousAggregate S
- maxIndex: % -> Integer
from IndexedAggregate(Integer, S)
- member?: (S, %) -> Boolean if S has BasicType and % has finiteAggregate
from HomogeneousAggregate S
- members: % -> List S if % has finiteAggregate
from HomogeneousAggregate S
- merge!: (%, %) -> % if S has OrderedSet
merge!(u, v)
destructively mergesu
in ascending order.
- merge!: ((S, S) -> Boolean, %, %) -> %
merge!(p, u, v)
destructively mergesu
using predicatep
- merge: (%, %) -> % if S has OrderedSet and % has finiteAggregate
from LinearAggregate S
- merge: ((S, S) -> Boolean, %, %) -> % if % has finiteAggregate
from LinearAggregate S
- min: % -> S if S has OrderedSet and % has finiteAggregate
from HomogeneousAggregate S
- min: (%, %) -> % if S has OrderedSet and % has finiteAggregate
from OrderedSet
- minIndex: % -> Integer
from IndexedAggregate(Integer, S)
- more?: (%, NonNegativeInteger) -> Boolean
from Aggregate
- new: (NonNegativeInteger, S) -> %
from LinearAggregate S
- parts: % -> List S if % has finiteAggregate
from HomogeneousAggregate S
- position: (S -> Boolean, %) -> Integer if % has finiteAggregate
from LinearAggregate S
- position: (S, %) -> Integer if S has BasicType and % has finiteAggregate
from LinearAggregate S
- position: (S, %, Integer) -> Integer if S has BasicType and % has finiteAggregate
from LinearAggregate S
- qelt: (%, Integer) -> S
from EltableAggregate(Integer, S)
- qsetelt!: (%, Integer, S) -> S
from EltableAggregate(Integer, S)
- reduce: ((S, S) -> S, %) -> S if % has finiteAggregate
from Collection S
- reduce: ((S, S) -> S, %, S) -> S if % has finiteAggregate
from Collection S
- reduce: ((S, S) -> S, %, S, S) -> S if S has BasicType and % has finiteAggregate
from Collection S
- remove!: (S -> Boolean, %) -> %
remove!(p, u)
destructively removes all elementsx
such thatp(x)
- remove!: (S, %) -> % if S has BasicType
remove!(x, u)
destructively removes all valuesx
- remove: (S -> Boolean, %) -> % if % has finiteAggregate
from Collection S
- remove: (S, %) -> % if S has BasicType and % has finiteAggregate
from Collection S
- removeDuplicates!: % -> % if S has BasicType
destructively removes duplicates fromu
- removeDuplicates: % -> % if S has BasicType and % has finiteAggregate
from Collection S
- reverse!: % -> % if % has finiteAggregate
from LinearAggregate S
- reverse: % -> % if % has finiteAggregate
from LinearAggregate S
- rightTrim: (%, S) -> % if S has BasicType and % has finiteAggregate
from LinearAggregate S
- select!: (S -> Boolean, %) -> %
select!(p, u)
destructively changesu
by keeping only valuesx
such thatp(x)
- select: (S -> Boolean, %) -> % if % has finiteAggregate
from Collection S
- setelt!: (%, Integer, S) -> S
from EltableAggregate(Integer, S)
- setelt!: (%, UniversalSegment Integer, S) -> S
from LinearAggregate S
- size?: (%, NonNegativeInteger) -> Boolean
from Aggregate
- smaller?: (%, %) -> Boolean if % has finiteAggregate and S has Comparable or S has OrderedSet and % has finiteAggregate
from Comparable
- sort!: % -> % if S has OrderedSet and % has finiteAggregate
from LinearAggregate S
- sort!: ((S, S) -> Boolean, %) -> % if % has finiteAggregate
from LinearAggregate S
- sort: % -> % if S has OrderedSet and % has finiteAggregate
from LinearAggregate S
- sort: ((S, S) -> Boolean, %) -> % if % has finiteAggregate
from LinearAggregate S
- sorted?: % -> Boolean if S has OrderedSet and % has finiteAggregate
from LinearAggregate S
- sorted?: ((S, S) -> Boolean, %) -> Boolean if % has finiteAggregate
from LinearAggregate S
- trim: (%, S) -> % if S has BasicType and % has finiteAggregate
from LinearAggregate S
BasicType if S has BasicType and % has finiteAggregate or S has Hashable and % has finiteAggregate or S has SetCategory
CoercibleTo OutputForm if S has CoercibleTo OutputForm
Comparable if % has finiteAggregate and S has Comparable or S has OrderedSet and % has finiteAggregate
ConvertibleTo InputForm if S has ConvertibleTo InputForm
Eltable(UniversalSegment Integer, %)
Evalable S if S has Evalable S and S has SetCategory
Hashable if S has Hashable and % has finiteAggregate
InnerEvalable(S, S) if S has Evalable S and S has SetCategory
OrderedSet if S has OrderedSet and % has finiteAggregate
PartialOrder if S has OrderedSet and % has finiteAggregate
SetCategory if S has SetCategory