
forttyp.spad line 1 [edit on github]

Creates and manipulates objects which correspond to the basic FORTRAN data types: REAL, INTEGER, COMPLEX, LOGICAL and CHARACTER

=: (%, %) -> Boolean

x=y tests for equality

character?: % -> Boolean

character?(t) tests whether t is equivalent to the FORTRAN type CHARACTER.

coerce: % -> OutputForm

from CoercibleTo OutputForm

coerce: % -> SExpression

coerce(x) returns the s-expression associated with x

coerce: % -> String

coerce(x) returns the uppercase string associated with x

coerce: % -> Symbol

coerce(x) returns the symbol associated with x

coerce: String -> %

coerce(s) transforms the string s into an element of FortranScalarType provided s is one of “real”, “double precision”, “complex”, “logical”, “integer”, “character”, “REAL”, “COMPLEX”, “LOGICAL”, “INTEGER”, “CHARACTER”, “DOUBLE PRECISION”

coerce: Symbol -> %

coerce(s) transforms the symbol s into an element of FortranScalarType provided s is one of real, complex, double precision, logical, integer, character, REAL, COMPLEX, LOGICAL, INTEGER, CHARACTER, DOUBLE PRECISION

complex?: % -> Boolean

complex?(t) tests whether t is equivalent to the FORTRAN type COMPLEX.

double?: % -> Boolean

double?(t) tests whether t is equivalent to the FORTRAN type DOUBLE PRECISION

doubleComplex?: % -> Boolean

doubleComplex?(t) tests whether t is equivalent to the (non-standard) FORTRAN type DOUBLE COMPLEX.

integer?: % -> Boolean

integer?(t) tests whether t is equivalent to the FORTRAN type INTEGER.

logical?: % -> Boolean

logical?(t) tests whether t is equivalent to the FORTRAN type LOGICAL.

real?: % -> Boolean

real?(t) tests whether t is equivalent to the FORTRAN type REAL.

CoercibleTo OutputForm