SCartesian n

scene.spad line 1021 [edit on github]

an implementation of PointCategory to represent points and vectors in three dimensional coordinate space

*: (DoubleFloat, %) -> %

from SPointCategory

+: (%, %) -> %

from SPointCategory

-: (%, %) -> %

from SPointCategory

=: (%, %) -> Boolean

from BasicType

~=: (%, %) -> Boolean

from BasicType

coerce: % -> OutputForm

from SPointCategory

colinearity: (%, %) -> DoubleFloat

from SPointCategory

dimension: % -> PositiveInteger

from SPointCategory

distance: (%, %) -> DoubleFloat

from SPointCategory

distanceSquared: (%, %) -> DoubleFloat

from SPointCategory

extendedCoords: % -> List DoubleFloat

from SPointCategory

inBounds?: (%, %, %) -> Boolean

from SPointCategory

isPoint?: % -> Boolean

from SPointCategory

isVector?: % -> Boolean

from SPointCategory

latex: % -> String

from SetCategory

max: (%, %) -> %

from SPointCategory

min: (%, %) -> %

from SPointCategory

parallel: (%, %) -> DoubleFloat

from SPointCategory

perpendicular: (%, %) -> %

from SPointCategory

Pnan?: % -> Boolean

from SPointCategory

screenCoords: % -> List DoubleFloat

from SPointCategory

screenCoordX: % -> DoubleFloat

from SPointCategory

screenCoordY: % -> DoubleFloat

from SPointCategory

screenCoordZ: % -> DoubleFloat

from SPointCategory

sipnt: (Integer, Integer) -> %

from SPointCategory

sipnt: (Integer, Integer, Integer) -> %

from SPointCategory

sivec: (Integer, Integer) -> %

from SPointCategory

sivec: (Integer, Integer, Integer) -> %

from SPointCategory

spnt: (DoubleFloat, DoubleFloat) -> %

from SPointCategory

spnt: (DoubleFloat, DoubleFloat, DoubleFloat) -> %

from SPointCategory

svec: (DoubleFloat, DoubleFloat) -> %

from SPointCategory

svec: (DoubleFloat, DoubleFloat, DoubleFloat) -> %

from SPointCategory

toPoint: % -> %

from SPointCategory

toVector: % -> %

from SPointCategory

unitVector: % -> %

from SPointCategory


CoercibleTo OutputForm

