SetAggregate S

aggcat.spad line 531 [edit on github]

A set category lists a collection of set-theoretic operations useful for both finite sets and multisets. Note however that finite sets are distinct from multisets. Although the operations defined for set categories are common to both, the relationship between the two cannot be described by inclusion or inheritance.

#: % -> NonNegativeInteger if % has finiteAggregate

from Aggregate

<=: (%, %) -> Boolean

from PartialOrder

<: (%, %) -> Boolean

from PartialOrder

=: (%, %) -> Boolean

from BasicType

>=: (%, %) -> Boolean

from PartialOrder

>: (%, %) -> Boolean

from PartialOrder

~=: (%, %) -> Boolean

from BasicType

any?: (S -> Boolean, %) -> Boolean if % has finiteAggregate

from HomogeneousAggregate S

coerce: % -> OutputForm

from CoercibleTo OutputForm

construct: List S -> %

from Collection S

convert: % -> InputForm if S has ConvertibleTo InputForm

from ConvertibleTo InputForm

copy: % -> %

from Aggregate

count: (S -> Boolean, %) -> NonNegativeInteger if % has finiteAggregate

from HomogeneousAggregate S

count: (S, %) -> NonNegativeInteger if % has finiteAggregate

from HomogeneousAggregate S

difference: (%, %) -> %

difference(u, v) returns the set aggregate w consisting of elements in set aggregate u but not in set aggregate v. If u and v have no elements in common, difference(u, v) returns a copy of u. Note: equivalent to the notation (not currently supported) [x for x in u | not member?(x, v)].

difference: (%, S) -> %

difference(u, x) returns the set aggregate u with element x removed. If u does not contain x, a copy of u is returned. Note: difference(s, x) = difference(s, set [x]).

empty?: % -> Boolean

from Aggregate

empty: () -> %

from Aggregate

eq?: (%, %) -> Boolean

from Aggregate

eval: (%, Equation S) -> % if S has Evalable S

from Evalable S

eval: (%, List Equation S) -> % if S has Evalable S

from Evalable S

eval: (%, List S, List S) -> % if S has Evalable S

from InnerEvalable(S, S)

eval: (%, S, S) -> % if S has Evalable S

from InnerEvalable(S, S)

every?: (S -> Boolean, %) -> Boolean if % has finiteAggregate

from HomogeneousAggregate S

find: (S -> Boolean, %) -> Union(S, failed)

from Collection S

intersect: (%, %) -> %

intersect(u, v) returns the set aggregate w consisting of elements common to both set aggregates u and v. Note: equivalent to the notation (not currently supported) [x for x in u | member?(x, v)].

latex: % -> String

from SetCategory

less?: (%, NonNegativeInteger) -> Boolean

from Aggregate

map!: (S -> S, %) -> % if % has shallowlyMutable

from HomogeneousAggregate S

map: (S -> S, %) -> %

from HomogeneousAggregate S

max: % -> S if S has OrderedSet and % has finiteAggregate

from HomogeneousAggregate S

max: ((S, S) -> Boolean, %) -> S if % has finiteAggregate

from HomogeneousAggregate S

member?: (S, %) -> Boolean if % has finiteAggregate

from HomogeneousAggregate S

members: % -> List S if % has finiteAggregate

from HomogeneousAggregate S

min: % -> S if S has OrderedSet and % has finiteAggregate

from HomogeneousAggregate S

more?: (%, NonNegativeInteger) -> Boolean

from Aggregate

parts: % -> List S if % has finiteAggregate

from HomogeneousAggregate S

reduce: ((S, S) -> S, %) -> S if % has finiteAggregate

from Collection S

reduce: ((S, S) -> S, %, S) -> S if % has finiteAggregate

from Collection S

reduce: ((S, S) -> S, %, S, S) -> S if % has finiteAggregate

from Collection S

remove: (S -> Boolean, %) -> % if % has finiteAggregate

from Collection S

remove: (S, %) -> % if % has finiteAggregate

from Collection S

removeDuplicates: % -> % if % has finiteAggregate

from Collection S

sample: %

from Aggregate

select: (S -> Boolean, %) -> % if % has finiteAggregate

from Collection S

set: () -> %

set()$D creates an empty set aggregate of type D.

set: List S -> %

set([x, y, ..., z]) creates a set aggregate containing items x, y, …, z.

size?: (%, NonNegativeInteger) -> Boolean

from Aggregate

subset?: (%, %) -> Boolean

subset?(u, v) tests if u is a subset of v. Note: equivalent to reduce(and, [member?(x, v) for x in members(u)], true, false).

symmetricDifference: (%, %) -> %

symmetricDifference(u, v) returns the set aggregate of elements x which are members of set aggregate u or set aggregate v but not both. If u and v have no elements in common, symmetricDifference(u, v) returns a copy of u. Note: symmetricDifference(u, v) = union(difference(u, v), difference(v, u))

union: (%, %) -> %

union(u, v) returns the set aggregate of elements which are members of either set aggregate u or v.

union: (%, S) -> %

union(u, x) returns the set aggregate u with the element x added. If u already contains x, union(u, x) returns a copy of u.

union: (S, %) -> %

union(x, u) returns the set aggregate u with the element x added. If u already contains x, union(x, u) returns a copy of u.



CoercibleTo OutputForm

Collection S

ConvertibleTo InputForm if S has ConvertibleTo InputForm

Evalable S if S has Evalable S

HomogeneousAggregate S

InnerEvalable(S, S) if S has Evalable S

