
view3D.spad line 1 [edit on github]

ThreeDimensionalViewport creates viewports to display graphs

=: (%, %) -> Boolean

from BasicType

~=: (%, %) -> Boolean

from BasicType

axes: (%, String) -> Void

axes(v, s) displays the axes of the given three-dimensional viewport, v, which is of domain ThreeDimensionalViewport, if s is “on”, or does not display the axes if s is “off”.

clipSurface: (%, String) -> Void

clipSurface(v, s) displays the graph with the specified clipping region removed if s is “on”, or displays the graph without clipping implemented if s is “off”, for the given three-dimensional viewport, v, which is of domain ThreeDimensionalViewport.

close: % -> Void

close(v) closes the viewport window of the given three-dimensional viewport, v, which is of domain ThreeDimensionalViewport, and terminates the corresponding process ID.

coerce: % -> OutputForm

from CoercibleTo OutputForm

colorDef: (%, Color, Color) -> Void

colorDef(v, c1, c2) sets the range of colors along the colormap so that the lower end of the colormap is defined by c1 and the top end of the colormap is defined by c2, for the given three-dimensional viewport, v, which is of domain ThreeDimensionalViewport.

controlPanel: (%, String) -> Void

controlPanel(v, s) displays the control panel of the given three-dimensional viewport, v, which is of domain ThreeDimensionalViewport, if s is “on”, or hides the control panel if s is “off”.

diagonals: (%, String) -> Void

diagonals(v, s) displays the diagonals of the polygon outline showing a triangularized surface instead of a quadrilateral surface outline, for the given three-dimensional viewport v which is of domain ThreeDimensionalViewport, if s is “on”, or does not display the diagonals if s is “off”.

dimensions: (%, NonNegativeInteger, NonNegativeInteger, PositiveInteger, PositiveInteger) -> Void

dimensions(v, x, y, width, height) sets the position of the upper left-hand corner of the three-dimensional viewport, v, which is of domain ThreeDimensionalViewport, to the window coordinate x, y, and sets the dimensions of the window to that of width, height. The new dimensions are not displayed until the function makeViewport3D is executed again for v.

drawStyle: (%, String) -> Void

drawStyle(v, s) displays the surface for the given three-dimensional viewport v which is of domain ThreeDimensionalViewport in the style of drawing indicated by s. If s is not a valid drawing style the style is wireframe by default. Possible styles are "shade", "solid" or "opaque", "smooth", and "wireMesh".

eyeDistance: (%, Float) -> Void

eyeDistance(v, d) sets the distance of the observer from the center of the graph to d, for the viewport v, which is of the domain ThreeDimensionalViewport.

hitherPlane: (%, Float) -> Void

hitherPlane(v, h) sets the hither clipping plane of the graph to h, for the viewport v, which is of the domain ThreeDimensionalViewport.

intensity: (%, Float) -> Void

intensity(v, i) sets the intensity of the light source to i, for the given three-dimensional viewport, v, which is of domain ThreeDimensionalViewport.

key: % -> Integer

key(v) returns the process ID number of the given three-dimensional viewport, v, which is of domain ThreeDimensionalViewport.

latex: % -> String

from SetCategory

lighting: (%, Float, Float, Float) -> Void

lighting(v, x, y, z) sets the position of the light source to the coordinates x, y, and z and displays the graph for the given three-dimensional viewport, v, which is of domain ThreeDimensionalViewport.

makeViewport3D: % -> %

makeViewport3D(v) takes the given three-dimensional viewport, v, of the domain ThreeDimensionalViewport and displays a viewport window on the screen which contains the contents of v.

makeViewport3D: (ThreeSpace DoubleFloat, List DrawOption) -> %

makeViewport3D(sp, lopt) takes the given space, sp which is of the domain ThreeSpace and displays a viewport window on the screen which contains the contents of sp, and whose draw options are indicated by the list lopt, which is a list of options from the domain DrawOption.

makeViewport3D: (ThreeSpace DoubleFloat, String) -> %

makeViewport3D(sp, s) takes the given space, sp which is of the domain ThreeSpace and displays a viewport window on the screen which contains the contents of sp, and whose title is given by s.

modifyPointData: (%, NonNegativeInteger, Point DoubleFloat) -> Void

modifyPointData(v, ind, pt) takes the viewport, v, which is of the domain ThreeDimensionalViewport, and places the data point, pt into the list of points database of v at the index location given by ind.

move: (%, NonNegativeInteger, NonNegativeInteger) -> Void

move(v, x, y) displays the three-dimensional viewport, v, which is of domain ThreeDimensionalViewport, with the upper left-hand corner of the viewport window at the screen coordinate position x, y.

options: % -> List DrawOption

options(v) takes the viewport, v, which is of the domain ThreeDimensionalViewport and returns a list of all the draw options from the domain DrawOption which are being used by v.

options: (%, List DrawOption) -> %

options(v, lopt) takes the viewport, v, which is of the domain ThreeDimensionalViewport and sets the draw options being used by v to those indicated in the list, lopt, which is a list of options from the domain DrawOption.

outlineRender: (%, String) -> Void

outlineRender(v, s) displays the polygon outline showing either triangularized surface or a quadrilateral surface outline depending on the whether the diagonals function has been set, for the given three-dimensional viewport v which is of domain ThreeDimensionalViewport, if s is “on”, or does not display the polygon outline if s is “off”.

perspective: (%, String) -> Void

perspective(v,s) displays the graph in perspective if s is “on”, or does not display perspective if s is “off” for the given three-dimensional viewport, v, which is of domain ThreeDimensionalViewport.

reset: % -> Void

reset(v) sets the current state of the graph characteristics of the given three-dimensional viewport, v, which is of domain ThreeDimensionalViewport, back to their initial settings.

resize: (%, PositiveInteger, PositiveInteger) -> Void

resize(v, w, h) displays the three-dimensional viewport, v, which is of domain ThreeDimensionalViewport, with a width of w and a height of h, keeping the upper left-hand corner position unchanged.

rotate: (%, Float, Float) -> Void

rotate(v, th, phi) rotates the graph to the longitudinal view angle th radians and the latitudinal view angle phi radians for the viewport v, which is of the domain ThreeDimensionalViewport.

rotate: (%, Integer, Integer) -> Void

rotate(v, th, phi) rotates the graph to the longitudinal view angle th degrees and the latitudinal view angle phi degrees for the viewport v, which is of the domain ThreeDimensionalViewport. The new rotation position is not displayed until the function makeViewport3D is executed again for v.

showClipRegion: (%, String) -> Void

showClipRegion(v, s) displays the clipping region of the given three-dimensional viewport, v, which is of domain ThreeDimensionalViewport, if s is “on”, or does not display the region if s is “off”.

showRegion: (%, String) -> Void

showRegion(v, s) displays the bounding box of the given three-dimensional viewport, v, which is of domain ThreeDimensionalViewport, if s is “on”, or does not display the box if s is “off”.

subspace: % -> ThreeSpace DoubleFloat

subspace(v) returns the contents of the viewport v, which is of the domain ThreeDimensionalViewport, as a subspace of the domain ThreeSpace.

subspace: (%, ThreeSpace DoubleFloat) -> %

subspace(v, sp) places the contents of the viewport v, which is of the domain ThreeDimensionalViewport, in the subspace sp, which is of the domain ThreeSpace.

title: (%, String) -> Void

title(v, s) changes the title which is shown in the three-dimensional viewport window, v of domain ThreeDimensionalViewport.

translate: (%, Float, Float) -> Void

translate(v, dx, dy) sets the horizontal viewport offset to dx and the vertical viewport offset to dy, for the viewport v, which is of the domain ThreeDimensionalViewport.

viewDeltaXDefault: () -> Float

viewDeltaXDefault() returns the current default horizontal offset from the center of the viewport window.

viewDeltaXDefault: Float -> Float

viewDeltaXDefault(dx) sets the current default horizontal offset from the center of the viewport window to be dx and returns dx.

viewDeltaYDefault: () -> Float

viewDeltaYDefault() returns the current default vertical offset from the center of the viewport window.

viewDeltaYDefault: Float -> Float

viewDeltaYDefault(dy) sets the current default vertical offset from the center of the viewport window to be dy and returns dy.

viewPhiDefault: () -> Float

viewPhiDefault() returns the current default latitudinal view angle in radians.

viewPhiDefault: Float -> Float

viewPhiDefault(p) sets the current default latitudinal view angle in radians to the value p and returns p.

viewpoint: % -> Record(theta: DoubleFloat, phi: DoubleFloat, scale: DoubleFloat, scaleX: DoubleFloat, scaleY: DoubleFloat, scaleZ: DoubleFloat, deltaX: DoubleFloat, deltaY: DoubleFloat)

viewpoint(v) returns the current viewpoint setting of the given viewport, v. This function is useful in the situation where the user has created a viewport, proceeded to interact with it via the control panel and desires to save the values of the viewpoint as the default settings for another viewport to be created using the system.

viewpoint: (%, Float, Float) -> Void

viewpoint(v, th, phi) sets the longitudinal view angle to th radians and the latitudinal view angle to phi radians for the viewport v, which is of the domain ThreeDimensionalViewport. The new viewpoint position is not displayed until the function makeViewport3D is executed again for v.

viewpoint: (%, Float, Float, Float) -> Void

viewpoint(v, rotx, roty, rotz) sets the rotation about the x-axis to be rotx radians, sets the rotation about the y-axis to be roty radians, and sets the rotation about the z-axis to be rotz radians, for the viewport v, which is of the domain ThreeDimensionalViewport and displays v with the new view position.

viewpoint: (%, Float, Float, Float, Float, Float) -> Void

viewpoint(v, th, phi, s, dx, dy) sets the longitudinal view angle to th radians, the latitudinal view angle to phi radians, the scale factor to s, the horizontal viewport offset to dx, and the vertical viewport offset to dy for the viewport v, which is of the domain ThreeDimensionalViewport. The new viewpoint position is not displayed until the function makeViewport3D is executed again for v.

viewpoint: (%, Integer, Integer, Float, Float, Float) -> Void

viewpoint(v, th, phi, s, dx, dy) sets the longitudinal view angle to th degrees, the latitudinal view angle to phi degrees, the scale factor to s, the horizontal viewport offset to dx, and the vertical viewport offset to dy for the viewport v, which is of the domain ThreeDimensionalViewport. The new viewpoint position is not displayed until the function makeViewport3D is executed again for v.

viewpoint: (%, Record(theta: DoubleFloat, phi: DoubleFloat, scale: DoubleFloat, scaleX: DoubleFloat, scaleY: DoubleFloat, scaleZ: DoubleFloat, deltaX: DoubleFloat, deltaY: DoubleFloat)) -> Void

viewpoint(v, viewpt) sets the viewpoint for the viewport. The viewport record consists of the latitudal and longitudal angles, the zoom factor, the X, Y, and Z scales, and the X and Y displacements.

viewport3D: () -> %

viewport3D() returns an undefined three-dimensional viewport of the domain ThreeDimensionalViewport whose contents are empty.

viewThetaDefault: () -> Float

viewThetaDefault() returns the current default longitudinal view angle in radians.

viewThetaDefault: Float -> Float

viewThetaDefault(t) sets the current default longitudinal view angle in radians to the value t and returns t.

viewZoomDefault: () -> Float

viewZoomDefault() returns the current default graph scaling value.

viewZoomDefault: Float -> Float

viewZoomDefault(s) sets the current default graph scaling value to s and returns s.

write: (%, String) -> String

write(v, s) takes the given three-dimensional viewport, v, which is of domain ThreeDimensionalViewport, and creates a directory indicated by s, which contains the graph data file for v.

write: (%, String, List String) -> String

write(v, s, lf) takes the given three-dimensional viewport, v, which is of domain ThreeDimensionalViewport, and creates a directory indicated by s, which contains the graph data file for v and the optional file types indicated by the list lf.

write: (%, String, String) -> String

write(v, s, f) takes the given three-dimensional viewport, v, which is of domain ThreeDimensionalViewport, and creates a directory indicated by s, which contains the graph data file for v and an optional file type f.

zoom: (%, Float) -> Void

zoom(v, s) sets the graph scaling factor to s, for the viewport v, which is of the domain ThreeDimensionalViewport.

zoom: (%, Float, Float, Float) -> Void

zoom(v, sx, sy, sz) sets the graph scaling factors for the x-coordinate axis to sx, the y-coordinate axis to sy and the z-coordinate axis to sz for the viewport v, which is of the domain ThreeDimensionalViewport.


CoercibleTo OutputForm
