TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(R, Row, Col)

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TwoDimensionalArrayCategory is a general array category which allows different representations and indexing schemes. Rows and columns may be extracted with rows returned as objects of type Row and columns returned as objects of type Col. The index of the ‘first’ row may be obtained by calling the function ‘minRowIndex’. The index of the ‘first’ column may be obtained by calling the function ‘minColIndex’. The index of the first element of a ‘Row’ is the same as the index of the first column in an array and vice versa.

#: % -> NonNegativeInteger

from Aggregate

=: (%, %) -> Boolean if R has BasicType

from BasicType

~=: (%, %) -> Boolean if R has BasicType

from BasicType

any?: (R -> Boolean, %) -> Boolean

from HomogeneousAggregate R

array2: List List R -> %

array2(ll) constructs a 2-dimensional array, the inner list being the rows.

blockConcat: List List % -> %

blockConcat(ll) concatenates arrays row and column wise, building a array from blocks. The order is row major as in matrix.

blockSplit: (%, List NonNegativeInteger, List NonNegativeInteger) -> List List %

blockSplit(a, [n1,...,ni], [m1,...,mi]) splits a into multiple subarraus row and column wise, such that element at position k, l has nk rows and ml columns. Error: if number of rows of a is different than n1 + … + ni or number of columns of a is different than m1 + … + mj

blockSplit: (%, PositiveInteger, PositiveInteger) -> List List %

blockSplit(a, n, m) splits a into n*m subarrays of equal size row and column wise, dividing a into blocks. Error: if number of rows of a is not divisible by n or number of columns of a is not divisible by m.

coerce: % -> OutputForm if R has CoercibleTo OutputForm

from CoercibleTo OutputForm

colSlice: % -> Segment Integer

colSlice(m) returns a segment s such that for m the access m(i, s) gives the i-th row.

column: (%, Integer) -> Col

column(m, j) returns the jth column of m error check to determine if index is in proper ranges

copy: % -> %

from Aggregate

count: (R -> Boolean, %) -> NonNegativeInteger

from HomogeneousAggregate R

count: (R, %) -> NonNegativeInteger if R has BasicType

from HomogeneousAggregate R

elt: (%, Integer, Integer) -> R

elt(m, i, j) returns the element in the ith row and jth column of the array m error check to determine if indices are in proper ranges

elt: (%, Integer, Integer, R) -> R

elt(m, i, j, r) returns the element in the ith row and jth column of the array m, if m has an ith row and a jth column, and returns r otherwise

elt: (%, Integer, List Integer) -> %

elt(x, row, colList) returns an 1-by-n array consisting of elements of x, where n = \# colList. If colList = [j<1>, j<2>, ..., j<n>], then the (k, l)th entry of elt(x, row, colList) is x(row, j<l>).

elt: (%, Integer, List Segment Integer) -> %

elt(x, row, ls2) is equivalent to elt(x, row, l2) where l2 is obtained appending expansions of elements of ls2, but should be more convenient and more efficient.

elt: (%, List Integer, Integer) -> %

elt(x, rowList, col) returns an m-by-1 array consisting of elements of x, where m = \# rowList. If rowList = [i<1>, i<2>, ..., i<m>], then the (k, l)th entry of elt(x, rowList, col) is x(i<k>, col).

elt: (%, List Integer, List Integer) -> %

elt(x, rowList, colList) returns an m-by-n array consisting of elements of x, where m = \# rowList and n = \# colList. If rowList = [i<1>, i<2>, ..., i<m>] and colList = [j<1>, j<2>, ..., j<n>], then the (k, l)th entry of elt(x, rowList, colList) is x(i<k>, j<l>).

elt: (%, List Integer, Segment Integer) -> %

elt(x, rowList, s) is equivalent to elt(x, rowList, expand(s)) but should be more convenient and more efficient.

elt: (%, List Segment Integer, Integer) -> %

elt(x, ls1, col) is equivalent to elt(x, l1, col) where l1 is obtained appending expansions of elements of ls1, but should be more convenient and more efficient.

elt: (%, List Segment Integer, List Segment Integer) -> %

elt(x, ls1, ls2) is equivalent to elt(x, l1, l2) where li is obtained appending expansions of elements of lsi, but should be more convenient and more efficient.

elt: (%, List Segment Integer, Segment Integer) -> %

elt(x, ls1, s2) is equivalent to elt(x, l1, l2) where li is obtained appending expansions of elements of lsi, but should be more convenient and more efficient.

elt: (%, Segment Integer, List Integer) -> %

elt(x, s, colList) is equivalent to elt(x, expand(s), colList) but should be more convenient and more efficient.

elt: (%, Segment Integer, List Segment Integer) -> %

elt(x, s1, ls2) is equivalent to elt(x, l1, l2) where li is obtained appending expansions of elements of lsi, but should be more convenient and more efficient.

elt: (%, Segment Integer, Segment Integer) -> %

elt(x, s1, s2) is equivalent to elt(x, expand(s1), expand(s2)) but should be more convenient and more efficient.

empty?: % -> Boolean

from Aggregate

empty: () -> %

from Aggregate

eq?: (%, %) -> Boolean

from Aggregate

eval: (%, Equation R) -> % if R has Evalable R and R has SetCategory

from Evalable R

eval: (%, List Equation R) -> % if R has Evalable R and R has SetCategory

from Evalable R

eval: (%, List R, List R) -> % if R has Evalable R and R has SetCategory

from InnerEvalable(R, R)

eval: (%, R, R) -> % if R has Evalable R and R has SetCategory

from InnerEvalable(R, R)

every?: (R -> Boolean, %) -> Boolean

from HomogeneousAggregate R

fill!: (%, R) -> %

fill!(m, r) fills m with r's

hash: % -> SingleInteger if R has Hashable

from Hashable

hashUpdate!: (HashState, %) -> HashState if R has Hashable

from Hashable

horizConcat: (%, %) -> %

horizConcat(x, y) horizontally concatenates two arrays with an equal number of rows. The entries of y appear to the right of the entries of x. Error: if the arrays do not have the same number of rows.

horizConcat: List % -> %

horizConcat(l) horizontally concatenates all members of l Error: if the arrays do not have the same number of rows.

horizSplit: (%, List NonNegativeInteger) -> List %

horizSplit(a, [n1, n2, ..., ni]) splits a into arrays having n1, …, ni columns. Error: if number of columns of a is different than n1 + … + ni.

horizSplit: (%, PositiveInteger) -> List %

horizSplit(a, n) splits a into n arrays of equal size column wise. Error: if number of columns of a is not divisible by n.

latex: % -> String if R has SetCategory

from SetCategory

less?: (%, NonNegativeInteger) -> Boolean

from Aggregate

listOfLists: % -> List List R

listOfLists(m) returns the rows of the array m as a list of lists.

map!: (R -> R, %) -> %

map!(f, a) assign a(i, j) to f(a(i, j)) for all i, j

map: ((R, R) -> R, %, %) -> %

map(f, a, b) returns c, where c(i, j) = f(a(i, j), b(i, j)) for all i, j

map: ((R, R) -> R, %, %, R) -> %

map(f, a, b, r) returns c, where c(i, j) = f(a(i, j), b(i, j)) when both a(i, j) and b(i, j) exist; else c(i, j) = f(r, b(i, j)) when a(i, j) does not exist; else c(i, j) = f(a(i, j), r) when b(i, j) does not exist; otherwise c(i, j) = f(r, r).

map: (R -> R, %) -> %

map(f, a) returns b, where b(i, j) = f(a(i, j)) for all i, j

max: % -> R if R has OrderedSet

from HomogeneousAggregate R

max: ((R, R) -> Boolean, %) -> R

from HomogeneousAggregate R

maxColIndex: % -> Integer

maxColIndex(m) returns the index of the ‘last’ column of the array m

maxRowIndex: % -> Integer

maxRowIndex(m) returns the index of the ‘last’ row of the array m

member?: (R, %) -> Boolean if R has BasicType

from HomogeneousAggregate R

members: % -> List R

from HomogeneousAggregate R

min: % -> R if R has OrderedSet

from HomogeneousAggregate R

minColIndex: % -> Integer

minColIndex(m) returns the index of the ‘first’ column of the array m

minRowIndex: % -> Integer

minRowIndex(m) returns the index of the ‘first’ row of the array m

more?: (%, NonNegativeInteger) -> Boolean

from Aggregate

ncols: % -> NonNegativeInteger

ncols(m) returns the number of columns in the array m

new: (NonNegativeInteger, NonNegativeInteger, R) -> %

new(m, n, r) is an m-by-n array all of whose entries are r

nrows: % -> NonNegativeInteger

nrows(m) returns the number of rows in the array m

parts: % -> List R

parts(m) returns a list of the elements of m in row major order

qelt: (%, Integer, Integer) -> R

qelt(m, i, j) returns the element in the ith row and jth column of the array m NO error check to determine if indices are in proper ranges

qnew: (NonNegativeInteger, NonNegativeInteger) -> %

qnew(m, n) is is an m-by-n uninitilized array

qsetelt!: (%, Integer, Integer, R) -> R

qsetelt!(m, i, j, r) sets the element in the ith row and jth column of m to r NO error check to determine if indices are in proper ranges

row: (%, Integer) -> Row

row(m, i) returns the ith row of m error check to determine if index is in proper ranges

rowSlice: % -> Segment Integer

rowSlice(m) returns a segment s such that for m the access m(s, j) gives the j-th column.

sample: %

from Aggregate

setColumn!: (%, Integer, Col) -> %

setColumn!(m, j, v) sets to jth column of m to v

setelt!: (%, Integer, Integer, R) -> R

setelt!(m, i, j, r) sets the element in the ith row and jth column of m to r error check to determine if indices are in proper ranges

setelt!: (%, Integer, List Integer, %) -> %

setelt!(x, row, colList) assigns to an 1-by-n selection of the array, where n = \# colList.

setelt!: (%, Integer, List Segment Integer, %) -> %

setelt!(x, row, ls2) is equivalent to setelt!(x, row, l2) where l2 is obtained appending expansions of elements of ls2, but should be more convenient and more efficient.

setelt!: (%, List Integer, Integer, %) -> %

setelt!(x, rowList, col) assigns to an m-by-1 selection of the array, where m = \# rowList.

setelt!: (%, List Integer, List Integer, %) -> %

setelt!(x, rowList, colList, y) destructively alters the array x. If y is m-by-n, rowList = [i<1>, i<2>, ..., i<m>] and colList = [j<1>, j<2>, ..., j<n>], then x(i<k>, j<l>) is set to y(k, l) for k = 1, ..., m and l = 1, ..., n.

setelt!: (%, List Integer, Segment Integer, %) -> %

setelt!(x, l1, s2) is equivalent to setelt!(x, l1, expand(s2)) but should be more convenient and more efficient.

setelt!: (%, List Segment Integer, Integer, %) -> %

setelt!(x, ls1, col) is equivalent to setelt!(x, l1, col) where l1 is obtained appending expansions of elements of ls1, but should be more convenient and more efficient.

setelt!: (%, List Segment Integer, List Segment Integer, %) -> %

setelt!(x, ls1, ls1) is equivalent to setelt!(x, l1, l2) where li is obtained appending expansions of elements of lsi, but should be more convenient and more efficient.

setelt!: (%, List Segment Integer, Segment Integer, %) -> %

setelt!(x, ls1, s2) is equivalent to setelt!(x, l1, l2) where li is obtained appending expansions of elements of lsi, but should be more convenient and more efficient.

setelt!: (%, Segment Integer, List Integer, %) -> %

setelt!(x, s1, l2) is equivalent to setelt!(x, expand(s1), l2) but should be more convenient and more efficient.

setelt!: (%, Segment Integer, List Segment Integer, %) -> %

setelt!(x, s1, ls2) is equivalent to setelt!(x, l1, l2) where li is obtained appending expansions of elements of lsi, but should be more convenient and more efficient.

setelt!: (%, Segment Integer, Segment Integer, %) -> %

setelt!(x, s1, s2) is equivalent to setelt!(x, expand(s1), expand(s2)) but should be more convenient and more efficient.

setRow!: (%, Integer, Row) -> %

setRow!(m, i, v) sets to ith row of m to v

setsubMatrix!: (%, Integer, Integer, %) -> %

setsubMatrix(x, i1, j1, y) destructively alters the array x. Here x(i, j) is set to y(i-i1+1, j-j1+1) for i = i1, ..., i1-1+nrows y and j = j1, ..., j1-1+ncols y.

size?: (%, NonNegativeInteger) -> Boolean

from Aggregate

smaller?: (%, %) -> Boolean if R has Comparable

from Comparable

squareTop: % -> %

squareTop(m) returns an n-by-n array consisting of the first n rows of the m-by-n array m. Error: if m < n.

subMatrix: (%, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer) -> %

subMatrix(x, i1, i2, j1, j2) extracts the submatrix [x(i, j)] where the index i ranges from i1 to i2 and the index j ranges from j1 to j2.

swapColumns!: (%, Integer, Integer) -> %

swapColumns!(m, i, j) interchanges the ith and jth columns of m. This destructively alters the array.

swapRows!: (%, Integer, Integer) -> %

swapRows!(m, i, j) interchanges the ith and jth rows of m. This destructively alters the array.

transpose: % -> %

transpose(m) returns the transpose of the array m.

vertConcat: (%, %) -> %

vertConcat(x, y) vertically concatenates two arrays with an equal number of columns. The entries of y appear below of the entries of x. Error: if the arrays do not have the same number of columns.

vertConcat: List % -> %

vertConcat(l) vertically concatenates all members of l Error: if the arrays do not have the same number of columns.

vertSplit: (%, List NonNegativeInteger) -> List %

vertSplit(a, [n1, ..., ni]) splits a into arrays having n1, …, ni rows. Error: if number of rows of a is different than n1+ … + ni.

vertSplit: (%, PositiveInteger) -> List %

vertSplit(a, n) splits a into n arrays of equal size row wise. Error: if number of rows of a is not divisible by n.


BasicType if R has BasicType

CoercibleTo OutputForm if R has CoercibleTo OutputForm

Comparable if R has Comparable

Evalable R if R has Evalable R and R has SetCategory


Hashable if R has Hashable

HomogeneousAggregate R

InnerEvalable(R, R) if R has Evalable R and R has SetCategory

SetCategory if R has SetCategory
