Develop hardware-independent parts on PC-s
Crucial part of embedded programming is interaction with
hardware. That is why all provided examples are
hardware-specific. However, in embedded programs there
are also hardware-independent parts
- signal processing (filtering, FFT, etc.)
- control algorithm (for example PID)
- various optimizations (for example optimizing
head movement of ink-jet printer)
- encryption
Since developing programs on embedded system is harder
than developement on PC-s hardware-independent parts
should be developed on PC-s. Only when all parts
work independently they should be integrated into
final program.
Start from simplest hardware driver
Drivers for various devices should be developed
independently starting from simplest possible
driver. For example shift1.c
used bit-banging
to control shift register. That is simple and
easy to get right. Then shift2.c
transfers whole bytes to shift register -- this is incremental
modification. Once this worked we could switch
to use SPI hardware. In shift3.c we
added initialization of SPI hardware and
a polled transfer routine. Again, polled
transfer is easy to get right. Concerning
initialization, one can use debugger to read
control registers of SPI hardware, to check
that indeed all control bits are set correctly.
Also, reading status register gives information
about errors. Once polled driver works one
can move towards interrupt driver. We do not
provide example of interrupt driven SPI transfer,
but first version of UART driver in ser1.c
is a polling driver while the second one in
uses interrupts.
Integrate known-working routines into a program
Once driver routines are available we can use them
to write bigger programs. For example, the first
version of program handling Nokia5110 display,
nokia_lcd.ino was
developed in Energia environment and the main point
was to collect constants and find out proper
sequence of commands to control display. Once
this was done the example after small modification
could be used with libmaple. Also, we could extend
functionality providing a mini font
This was combined with hardware SPI routines provided
by libmaple to get much fater version using hardware SPI
Finally combining this with DMA gave
more efficient version
Similarly, the FO lcd_i2c example combines I2C routine for FO
from i2c1.c
with libmaple file for handling character
LCD display. More precisely, routines specific for
libmable were removed from LCD driver and replaced by
routine based on i2c1.c. And the main program is just
a variation of
libmaple example program for character LCD display via I2C.