Exercise 1

Modify the example Free RTOS program to have more tasks. For example, blink LED with one frequency from one task and show patterns on LED line (via shift register) in second task.

Exercise 2

Modify example Free RTOS program to work with STM32F103 minimal board. Note: STM32F103 is a Cortex-M3 so you need to choose subdirectory for Cortex-M3 in the Makefile. Also, you need to use linker script for STM32F103 (from f1 subdirectory).

Exercise 3

Combine F0 character LCD example with procedure handling ultrasonioc sensor: print measured results on character LCD.

Exercise 4

Convert libmaple example handling Nokia5110 display to work using libopencm3 on minimal F0 boards. You can use SPI routines from shift example. You will need extra code to test for busy bit in SPI1_SR (this bit is called SPI_SR_BSY in libopencm3 headers).