Ultrasonic range sensor
Digital sensors
Pushbutton makes contact when pressed and breaks when the button is
released. Together with a resistor this gives digital signal.
Reed relay
Reed relay makes contact in presence of magnetic field and
breaks when the field is absent. Together with a resistor
this gives digital signal.
Photo interrupter
Sensor contains infrared emitting diode and a phototransistor.
Sensor changes state when some obstacle is inserted into the
gap between the diode and the phototransistor. Sensor
has three pins. Pin 1 (marked '-') is ground, pin 2 is
power (Vcc), pin 3 is output. High voltage on pin3 means
no obstacle, low means presence of an obstacle.
Remark: Together with appropriate mechanical system this sensor
can be used to count rotations or to detect when mechanism
reached prescribed position.
Rotary encoder
Rotary encoder has two switches and an axis. When axis is
rotated switches produce sequence of pulses. Counting
pulses we can detect rotational position of the axis.
High speed high resolution rotary encoders use photoelectic
switches. In fact, it is possible to use a disc with holes
attached to an axis
and a pair of photo interrupters
as a rotary encoder.
Simpler rotary encoder has mechanical switches. We have
simple low resulution encoders which can serve as elements
of user interface: user rotates a knob and encoder converts
this to digital signal.
information about rotary encoders and examples.
Digital Hall sensor
Hall sensor detects magnetic field. We have sensor module
using A44E sensor chip which changes output when field
is strong enough. The detection threshold is rather high,
so we need strong magnet to trigger change.
Passive infrared motion detector
Sensor contains a matrix of elements sensing infrared
radiation and a circuit detecting change. A person
or an animal emits infrared radiation. When in
movement a person causes changes in level of infrared
radiation, which is detected by the sensor.
Sensor has one output line with high level signalling
that change was detected. Sensor has three pins,
marked Vcc (power supply), GND (ground) and OUT
(output line).
Remark1: Such sensors are widely used in alarm system
and to turn on lights when movement is detected.
Remark2: Internally this sensor is quite complex. However,
externally it behaves as simple digital sensor.
Infrared proximity sensor
This sensor changes output when obstacle is within short
Analog sensors
Photoresistor has resistance which depend on ambient light.
Combined with normal resistor gives voltage depending on
has resistance depending on temperature. Combined with normal
resistor gives voltage depending on temperature.
Linear Hall sensor
Linear Hall sensor produces voltage proportional to magnetic field.
Our sensor modules contains A49E sensor chip. One module just
gives signal from the chip. Another module additionally contains
a comparator so it provides both digital and analog signal.
Complex sensors
Ultrasonic range sensor
The sensor contains ultrasound transmitter and receiver.
The sensor has four connections: power supply (Vcc)
which must be 5V, ground (GND), Trig and Echo.
Short impulse on Trig turn on ultrasound transmitter.
Change on Echo signals that echo was detected by the
receiver. The "Ping" example in "Sensors" group in
Arduino shows how to use it.
Remark: The Arduino example assumes that a single
line works both as Trig and Echo: the example has
to be modified to work with our sensor.