Numerical optimization
Numerical optimization
Problem sheets:
Material about linear programming is covered in book by
Jiří Matoušek and Bernd Gärtner
Book Understanding and Using Linear Programming.
Springer 2007.
Also at. Below we will refer to this book by abbrewiation
Lecture notes
- Lecture 1, first half
- Lecture 1, second half: Introduction to linear programs,
see [MG] Chapters 1, 2.2.
- Lecture 2, Linear programming: basic feasible solutions, optimal
solutions. [MG] Chapters 2.4, 2.7, 4.1, 4.2
- Lecture 3: Simplex method, including pivot rules and exceptional
cases. [MG] Chapter 5
- Lecture 4: Convexity of sets and functions.
Notes. See also Boyd and Vanderberghe Chapter 2.1.5.
- Lecture 5
- Lecture 6
- Lecture 7
- Lecture 8
- Lecture 9
- Lecture 14
- Lecture 15
Example programs:
Additional references:
Notes by Nemirovski about
self-concordance and interior point methods.
Stephen Boyd, Neal Parikh, Eric Chu, Borja Peleato, Jonathan Eckstein,
Distributed Optimization and Statistical Learning via the Alternating
Direction Method of Multipliers
Neal Parikh, Stephen Boyd,
Proximal Algorithms