InnerIndexedTwoDimensionalArray(R, mnRow, mnCol, Row, Col)ΒΆ

array2.spad line 1054 [edit on github]

This is an internal type which provides an implementation of 2-dimensional arrays as PrimitiveArray's of PrimitiveArray's.

#: % -> NonNegativeInteger

from Aggregate

=: (%, %) -> Boolean if R has BasicType

from BasicType

~=: (%, %) -> Boolean if R has BasicType

from BasicType

any?: (R -> Boolean, %) -> Boolean

from HomogeneousAggregate R

array2: List List R -> %

from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(R, Row, Col)

blockConcat: List List % -> %

from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(R, Row, Col)

blockSplit: (%, List NonNegativeInteger, List NonNegativeInteger) -> List List %

from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(R, Row, Col)

blockSplit: (%, PositiveInteger, PositiveInteger) -> List List %

from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(R, Row, Col)

coerce: % -> OutputForm if R has CoercibleTo OutputForm

from CoercibleTo OutputForm

colSlice: % -> Segment Integer

from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(R, Row, Col)

column: (%, Integer) -> Col

from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(R, Row, Col)

copy: % -> %

from Aggregate

count: (R -> Boolean, %) -> NonNegativeInteger

from HomogeneousAggregate R

count: (R, %) -> NonNegativeInteger if R has BasicType

from HomogeneousAggregate R

elt: (%, Integer, Integer) -> R

from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(R, Row, Col)

elt: (%, Integer, Integer, R) -> R

from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(R, Row, Col)

elt: (%, Integer, List Integer) -> %

from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(R, Row, Col)

elt: (%, Integer, List Segment Integer) -> %

from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(R, Row, Col)

elt: (%, List Integer, Integer) -> %

from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(R, Row, Col)

elt: (%, List Integer, List Integer) -> %

from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(R, Row, Col)

elt: (%, List Integer, Segment Integer) -> %

from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(R, Row, Col)

elt: (%, List Segment Integer, Integer) -> %

from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(R, Row, Col)

elt: (%, List Segment Integer, List Segment Integer) -> %

from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(R, Row, Col)

elt: (%, List Segment Integer, Segment Integer) -> %

from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(R, Row, Col)

elt: (%, Segment Integer, List Integer) -> %

from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(R, Row, Col)

elt: (%, Segment Integer, List Segment Integer) -> %

from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(R, Row, Col)

elt: (%, Segment Integer, Segment Integer) -> %

from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(R, Row, Col)

empty?: % -> Boolean

from Aggregate

empty: () -> %

from Aggregate

eq?: (%, %) -> Boolean

from Aggregate

eval: (%, Equation R) -> % if R has Evalable R and R has SetCategory

from Evalable R

eval: (%, List Equation R) -> % if R has Evalable R and R has SetCategory

from Evalable R

eval: (%, List R, List R) -> % if R has Evalable R and R has SetCategory

from InnerEvalable(R, R)

eval: (%, R, R) -> % if R has Evalable R and R has SetCategory

from InnerEvalable(R, R)

every?: (R -> Boolean, %) -> Boolean

from HomogeneousAggregate R

fill!: (%, R) -> %

from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(R, Row, Col)

hash: % -> SingleInteger if R has Hashable

from Hashable

hashUpdate!: (HashState, %) -> HashState if R has Hashable

from Hashable

horizConcat: (%, %) -> %

from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(R, Row, Col)

horizConcat: List % -> %

from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(R, Row, Col)

horizSplit: (%, List NonNegativeInteger) -> List %

from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(R, Row, Col)

horizSplit: (%, PositiveInteger) -> List %

from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(R, Row, Col)

latex: % -> String if R has SetCategory

from SetCategory

less?: (%, NonNegativeInteger) -> Boolean

from Aggregate

listOfLists: % -> List List R

from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(R, Row, Col)

map!: (R -> R, %) -> %

from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(R, Row, Col)

map: ((R, R) -> R, %, %) -> %

from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(R, Row, Col)

map: ((R, R) -> R, %, %, R) -> %

from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(R, Row, Col)

map: (R -> R, %) -> %

from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(R, Row, Col)

max: % -> R if R has OrderedSet

from HomogeneousAggregate R

max: ((R, R) -> Boolean, %) -> R

from HomogeneousAggregate R

maxColIndex: % -> Integer

from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(R, Row, Col)

maxRowIndex: % -> Integer

from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(R, Row, Col)

member?: (R, %) -> Boolean if R has BasicType

from HomogeneousAggregate R

members: % -> List R

from HomogeneousAggregate R

min: % -> R if R has OrderedSet

from HomogeneousAggregate R

minColIndex: % -> Integer

from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(R, Row, Col)

minRowIndex: % -> Integer

from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(R, Row, Col)

more?: (%, NonNegativeInteger) -> Boolean

from Aggregate

ncols: % -> NonNegativeInteger

from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(R, Row, Col)

new: (NonNegativeInteger, NonNegativeInteger, R) -> %

from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(R, Row, Col)

nrows: % -> NonNegativeInteger

from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(R, Row, Col)

parts: % -> List R

from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(R, Row, Col)

qelt: (%, Integer, Integer) -> R

from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(R, Row, Col)

qnew: (NonNegativeInteger, NonNegativeInteger) -> %

from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(R, Row, Col)

qsetelt!: (%, Integer, Integer, R) -> R

from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(R, Row, Col)

row: (%, Integer) -> Row

from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(R, Row, Col)

rowSlice: % -> Segment Integer

from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(R, Row, Col)

sample: %

from Aggregate

setColumn!: (%, Integer, Col) -> %

from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(R, Row, Col)

setelt!: (%, Integer, Integer, R) -> R

from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(R, Row, Col)

setelt!: (%, Integer, List Integer, %) -> %

from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(R, Row, Col)

setelt!: (%, Integer, List Segment Integer, %) -> %

from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(R, Row, Col)

setelt!: (%, List Integer, Integer, %) -> %

from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(R, Row, Col)

setelt!: (%, List Integer, List Integer, %) -> %

from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(R, Row, Col)

setelt!: (%, List Integer, Segment Integer, %) -> %

from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(R, Row, Col)

setelt!: (%, List Segment Integer, Integer, %) -> %

from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(R, Row, Col)

setelt!: (%, List Segment Integer, List Segment Integer, %) -> %

from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(R, Row, Col)

setelt!: (%, List Segment Integer, Segment Integer, %) -> %

from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(R, Row, Col)

setelt!: (%, Segment Integer, List Integer, %) -> %

from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(R, Row, Col)

setelt!: (%, Segment Integer, List Segment Integer, %) -> %

from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(R, Row, Col)

setelt!: (%, Segment Integer, Segment Integer, %) -> %

from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(R, Row, Col)

setRow!: (%, Integer, Row) -> %

from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(R, Row, Col)

setsubMatrix!: (%, Integer, Integer, %) -> %

from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(R, Row, Col)

size?: (%, NonNegativeInteger) -> Boolean

from Aggregate

smaller?: (%, %) -> Boolean if R has Comparable

from Comparable

squareTop: % -> %

from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(R, Row, Col)

subMatrix: (%, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer) -> %

from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(R, Row, Col)

swapColumns!: (%, Integer, Integer) -> %

from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(R, Row, Col)

swapRows!: (%, Integer, Integer) -> %

from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(R, Row, Col)

transpose: % -> %

from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(R, Row, Col)

vertConcat: (%, %) -> %

from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(R, Row, Col)

vertConcat: List % -> %

from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(R, Row, Col)

vertSplit: (%, List NonNegativeInteger) -> List %

from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(R, Row, Col)

vertSplit: (%, PositiveInteger) -> List %

from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(R, Row, Col)


BasicType if R has BasicType

CoercibleTo OutputForm if R has CoercibleTo OutputForm

Comparable if R has Comparable

Evalable R if R has Evalable R and R has SetCategory


Hashable if R has Hashable

HomogeneousAggregate R

InnerEvalable(R, R) if R has Evalable R and R has SetCategory

SetCategory if R has SetCategory


TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(R, Row, Col)