Literatura o obliczeniach symbolicznych
- L. Bernardin,
Factorization of multivariate polynomials over finite fields
M. Bronstein,
Symbolic integration tutorial
- W. S. Brown, The subresultant PRS algorithm
kopia lokalna
B. Buchberger,
Groebner bases: a short introduction for systems theorists
B. F. Caviness, On canonical forms and simplification, J. Assoc.
Computing Machinery 17 (1970), 385-396
kopia lokalna
G. E. Collins. Subresultants and reduced polynomial remainder
sequences. Journal of the ACM, 14 (1967) 128-142
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J. H. Davenport,
The Difficulties of Definite Integration
J.H. Davenport, Y. Siret, E. Tournier,
Computer Algebra -- Systems and Algorithms for Algebraic Computation
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J. von zur Gathen and E. Kaltofen,
Factoring multivariate polynomials over finite fields.
Math. Comput. 45 (1985) 251-261
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R. J. Fateman,
Essays in algebraic simplification
J-Ch. Faugere,
A new efficient algorithm for computing Groebner bases (F4)
- J. Gerhard,
Fast Modular Algorithms for Squarefree Factorization
and Hermite Integration
- D. Gruntz,
On computing limits in a symbolic manipulation system
D. J. Jeffrey, G. Labahn, M. v. Mohrenschildt, A. D. Rich,
Integration of the signum, piecewise and related Functions
D. J. Jeffrey, A. D. Rich,
Recursive integration of piecewise-continuous functions
D. J. Jeffrey, A. D. Rich,
Simplifying square roots of square roots by denesting
E. Kaltofen,
Greatest common divisors of polynomials given by straight-line
J. ACM, 35 (1988) 231-264
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E. Kaltofen and V. Shoup,
Fast polynomial factorization over high algebraic extensions of
finite fields,
In Proc. 1997 Internat. Symp. Symbolic Algebraic Comput.
(ISSAC'97) pages 184-188
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E. Kaltofen and V. Shoup,
Subquadratic-time factoring of polynomials over finite fields,
Math. Comput., 67 (1998) 1179-1197
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- E. R. Kolchin, Differential Algebra and Algebraic Groups
D. E. Knuth, Sztuka programowania, tom 2, Algorytmy seminumeryczne
- J. Lutzen, Joseph Liouville 1809-1882: Master of Pure and Applied
Mathematics, rozdziaĆ IX. Integration in finite terms
M. M. Maza,
Integration of triangular sets methods in Aldor
B. Naylor,
Polynomial GCD using straight line program representation
- M. Petkovsek, H.S. Wilf, D. Zeilberger, A=B,
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- M. J. Prelle, M. F. Singer, Elementary first integrals
of differential equations, Trans. AMS 279 (1983) 215-229
- D. Richardson, Some unsolvable problems involving elementary
functions of a real variable, J. of Symbolic Logic 33 (1968), 511-520
- D. Richardson,
How to recognize zero
- R. H. Risch, The problem of integration in finite terms, Trans. AMS
139 (1969) 167-189
- R. H. Risch, The solution of the problem of integration in finite
terms, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 76 (1970) 605-608
- R. H. Risch, Implicitly elementary integrals, Proc. AMS
57 (1976) 1-7
- R. H. Risch, Algebraic properties of
the elementary functions of analysis, Amer. J. Math. 101 (1979), 743-759
- M. Rosenlicht, On Liouville's theory of elementary functions,
Pacific J. Math 65 (1976) 485-492
- C. K. Yap, "Fundamental Problems in Algorithmic Algebra",
Oxford University Press, 1999.
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