Factored R

fr.spad line 1 [edit on github]

Factored creates a domain whose objects are kept in factored form as long as possible. Thus certain operations like multiplication and gcd are relatively easy to do. Others, like addition require somewhat more work, and unless the argument domain provides a factor function, the result may not be completely factored. Each object consists of a unit and a list of factors, where a factor has a member of R (the “base”), and exponent and a flag indicating what is known about the base. A flag may be one of “nil”, “sqfr”, “irred” or “prime”, which respectively mean that nothing is known about the base, it is square-free, it is irreducible, or it is prime. The current restriction to integral domains allows simplification to be performed without worrying about multiplication order.

0: %

from AbelianMonoid

1: %

from MagmaWithUnit

*: (%, %) -> %

from Magma

*: (%, R) -> %

from RightModule R

*: (Integer, %) -> %

from AbelianGroup

*: (NonNegativeInteger, %) -> %

from AbelianMonoid

*: (PositiveInteger, %) -> %

from AbelianSemiGroup

*: (R, %) -> %

from LeftModule R

+: (%, %) -> %

from AbelianSemiGroup

-: % -> %

from AbelianGroup

-: (%, %) -> %

from AbelianGroup

=: (%, %) -> Boolean

from BasicType

^: (%, NonNegativeInteger) -> %

from MagmaWithUnit

^: (%, PositiveInteger) -> %

from Magma

~=: (%, %) -> Boolean

from BasicType

annihilate?: (%, %) -> Boolean

from Rng

antiCommutator: (%, %) -> %

from NonAssociativeSemiRng

associates?: (%, %) -> Boolean

from EntireRing

associator: (%, %, %) -> %

from NonAssociativeRng

characteristic: () -> NonNegativeInteger

from NonAssociativeRing

coerce: % -> %

from Algebra %

coerce: % -> OutputForm

from CoercibleTo OutputForm

coerce: Fraction Integer -> % if R has RetractableTo Fraction Integer

from CoercibleFrom Fraction Integer

coerce: Integer -> %

from NonAssociativeRing

coerce: R -> %

from Algebra R

commutator: (%, %) -> %

from NonAssociativeRng

convert: % -> DoubleFloat if R has RealConstant

from ConvertibleTo DoubleFloat

convert: % -> Float if R has RealConstant

from ConvertibleTo Float

convert: % -> InputForm if R has ConvertibleTo InputForm

from ConvertibleTo InputForm

D: % -> % if R has DifferentialRing

from DifferentialRing

D: (%, List Symbol) -> % if R has PartialDifferentialRing Symbol

from PartialDifferentialRing Symbol

D: (%, List Symbol, List NonNegativeInteger) -> % if R has PartialDifferentialRing Symbol

from PartialDifferentialRing Symbol

D: (%, NonNegativeInteger) -> % if R has DifferentialRing

from DifferentialRing

D: (%, R -> R) -> %

from DifferentialExtension R

D: (%, R -> R, NonNegativeInteger) -> %

from DifferentialExtension R

D: (%, Symbol) -> % if R has PartialDifferentialRing Symbol

from PartialDifferentialRing Symbol

D: (%, Symbol, NonNegativeInteger) -> % if R has PartialDifferentialRing Symbol

from PartialDifferentialRing Symbol

differentiate: % -> % if R has DifferentialRing

from DifferentialRing

differentiate: (%, List Symbol) -> % if R has PartialDifferentialRing Symbol

from PartialDifferentialRing Symbol

differentiate: (%, List Symbol, List NonNegativeInteger) -> % if R has PartialDifferentialRing Symbol

from PartialDifferentialRing Symbol

differentiate: (%, NonNegativeInteger) -> % if R has DifferentialRing

from DifferentialRing

differentiate: (%, R -> R) -> %

from DifferentialExtension R

differentiate: (%, R -> R, NonNegativeInteger) -> %

from DifferentialExtension R

differentiate: (%, Symbol) -> % if R has PartialDifferentialRing Symbol

from PartialDifferentialRing Symbol

differentiate: (%, Symbol, NonNegativeInteger) -> % if R has PartialDifferentialRing Symbol

from PartialDifferentialRing Symbol

elt: (%, %) -> % if R has Eltable(%, %)

from Eltable(%, %)

elt: (%, R) -> % if R has Eltable(R, R)

from Eltable(R, %)

eval: (%, %, %) -> % if R has Evalable %

from InnerEvalable(%, %)

eval: (%, Equation %) -> % if R has Evalable %

from Evalable %

eval: (%, Equation R) -> % if R has Evalable R

from Evalable R

eval: (%, List %, List %) -> % if R has Evalable %

from InnerEvalable(%, %)

eval: (%, List Equation %) -> % if R has Evalable %

from Evalable %

eval: (%, List Equation R) -> % if R has Evalable R

from Evalable R

eval: (%, List R, List R) -> % if R has Evalable R

from InnerEvalable(R, R)

eval: (%, List Symbol, List %) -> % if R has InnerEvalable(Symbol, %)

from InnerEvalable(Symbol, %)

eval: (%, List Symbol, List R) -> % if R has InnerEvalable(Symbol, R)

from InnerEvalable(Symbol, R)

eval: (%, R, R) -> % if R has Evalable R

from InnerEvalable(R, R)

eval: (%, Symbol, %) -> % if R has InnerEvalable(Symbol, %)

from InnerEvalable(Symbol, %)

eval: (%, Symbol, R) -> % if R has InnerEvalable(Symbol, R)

from InnerEvalable(Symbol, R)

expand: % -> R

expand(f) multiplies the unit and factors together, yielding an “unfactored” object. Note: this is purposely not called coerce which would cause the interpreter to do this automatically.

exquo: (%, %) -> Union(%, failed)

from EntireRing

factor: % -> Factored % if R has UniqueFactorizationDomain

from UniqueFactorizationDomain

factorList: % -> List Record(flag: Union(nil, sqfr, irred, prime), factor: R, exponent: NonNegativeInteger)

factorList(u) returns the list of factors with flags (for use by factoring code).

factors: % -> List Record(factor: R, exponent: NonNegativeInteger)

factors(u) returns a list of the factors in a form suitable for iteration. That is, it returns a list where each element is a record containing a base and exponent. The original object is the product of all the factors and the unit (which can be extracted by unit(u)).

flagFactor: (R, NonNegativeInteger, Union(nil, sqfr, irred, prime)) -> %

flagFactor(base, exponent, flag) creates a factored object with a single factor whose base is asserted to be properly described by the information flag.

gcd: (%, %) -> % if R has GcdDomain

from GcdDomain

gcd: List % -> % if R has GcdDomain

from GcdDomain

gcdPolynomial: (SparseUnivariatePolynomial %, SparseUnivariatePolynomial %) -> SparseUnivariatePolynomial % if R has GcdDomain

from GcdDomain

irreducibleFactor: (R, NonNegativeInteger) -> %

irreducibleFactor(base, exponent) creates a factored object with a single factor whose base is asserted to be irreducible (flag = “irred”).

latex: % -> String

from SetCategory

lcm: (%, %) -> % if R has GcdDomain

from GcdDomain

lcm: List % -> % if R has GcdDomain

from GcdDomain

lcmCoef: (%, %) -> Record(llcm_res: %, coeff1: %, coeff2: %) if R has GcdDomain

from LeftOreRing

leftPower: (%, NonNegativeInteger) -> %

from MagmaWithUnit

leftPower: (%, PositiveInteger) -> %

from Magma

leftRecip: % -> Union(%, failed)

from MagmaWithUnit

makeFR: (R, List Record(flag: Union(nil, sqfr, irred, prime), factor: R, exponent: NonNegativeInteger)) -> %

makeFR(unit, listOfFactors) creates a factored object (for use by factoring code).

map: (R -> R, %) -> %

map(fn, u) maps the function userfun{fn} across the factors of spadvar{u} and creates a new factored object. Note: this clears the information flags (sets them to “nil”) because the effect of userfun{fn} is clearly not known in general.

mergeFactors: (%, %) -> %

mergeFactors(u, v) is used when the factorizations of spadvar{u} and spadvar{v} are known to be disjoint, e.g. resulting from a content/primitive part split. Essentially, it creates a new factored object by multiplying the units together and appending the lists of factors.

nilFactor: (R, NonNegativeInteger) -> %

nilFactor(base, exponent) creates a factored object with a single factor with no information about the kind of base (flag = “nil”).

numberOfFactors: % -> NonNegativeInteger

numberOfFactors(u) returns the number of factors in spadvar{u}.

one?: % -> Boolean

from MagmaWithUnit

opposite?: (%, %) -> Boolean

from AbelianMonoid

plenaryPower: (%, PositiveInteger) -> %

from NonAssociativeAlgebra R

prime?: % -> Boolean if R has UniqueFactorizationDomain

from UniqueFactorizationDomain

primeFactor: (R, NonNegativeInteger) -> %

primeFactor(base, exponent) creates a factored object with a single factor whose base is asserted to be prime (flag = “prime”).

rational?: % -> Boolean if R has IntegerNumberSystem

rational?(u) tests if spadvar{u} is actually a rational number (see Fraction Integer).

rational: % -> Fraction Integer if R has IntegerNumberSystem

rational(u) assumes spadvar{u} is actually a rational number and does the conversion to rational number (see Fraction Integer).

rationalIfCan: % -> Union(Fraction Integer, failed) if R has IntegerNumberSystem

rationalIfCan(u) returns a rational number if u really is one, and “failed” otherwise.

recip: % -> Union(%, failed)

from MagmaWithUnit

retract: % -> Fraction Integer if R has RetractableTo Fraction Integer

from RetractableTo Fraction Integer

retract: % -> Integer if R has RetractableTo Integer

from RetractableTo Integer

retract: % -> R

from RetractableTo R

retractIfCan: % -> Union(Fraction Integer, failed) if R has RetractableTo Fraction Integer

from RetractableTo Fraction Integer

retractIfCan: % -> Union(Integer, failed) if R has RetractableTo Integer

from RetractableTo Integer

retractIfCan: % -> Union(R, failed)

from RetractableTo R

rightPower: (%, NonNegativeInteger) -> %

from MagmaWithUnit

rightPower: (%, PositiveInteger) -> %

from Magma

rightRecip: % -> Union(%, failed)

from MagmaWithUnit

sample: %

from AbelianMonoid

sqfrFactor: (R, NonNegativeInteger) -> %

sqfrFactor(base, exponent) creates a factored object with a single factor whose base is asserted to be square-free (flag = “sqfr”).

squareFree: % -> Factored % if R has UniqueFactorizationDomain

from UniqueFactorizationDomain

squareFreePart: % -> % if R has UniqueFactorizationDomain

from UniqueFactorizationDomain

subtractIfCan: (%, %) -> Union(%, failed)

from CancellationAbelianMonoid

unit?: % -> Boolean

from EntireRing

unit: % -> R

unit(u) extracts the unit part of the factorization.

unitCanonical: % -> %

from EntireRing

unitNormal: % -> Record(unit: %, canonical: %, associate: %)

from EntireRing

unitNormalize: % -> %

unitNormalize(u) normalizes the unit part of the factorization. For example, when working with factored integers, this operation will ensure that the bases are all positive integers.

zero?: % -> Boolean

from AbelianMonoid




Algebra %

Algebra R


BiModule(%, %)

BiModule(R, R)


CoercibleFrom Fraction Integer if R has RetractableTo Fraction Integer

CoercibleFrom Integer if R has RetractableTo Integer

CoercibleFrom R

CoercibleTo OutputForm



ConvertibleTo DoubleFloat if R has RealConstant

ConvertibleTo Float if R has RealConstant

ConvertibleTo InputForm if R has ConvertibleTo InputForm

DifferentialExtension R

DifferentialRing if R has DifferentialRing

Eltable(%, %) if R has Eltable(%, %)

Eltable(R, %) if R has Eltable(R, R)


Evalable % if R has Evalable %

Evalable R if R has Evalable R

FullyEvalableOver R

FullyRetractableTo R

GcdDomain if R has GcdDomain

InnerEvalable(%, %) if R has Evalable %

InnerEvalable(R, R) if R has Evalable R

InnerEvalable(Symbol, %) if R has InnerEvalable(Symbol, %)

InnerEvalable(Symbol, R) if R has InnerEvalable(Symbol, R)


LeftModule %

LeftModule R

LeftOreRing if R has GcdDomain



Module %

Module R


NonAssociativeAlgebra %

NonAssociativeAlgebra R






PartialDifferentialRing Symbol if R has PartialDifferentialRing Symbol

RealConstant if R has RealConstant

RetractableTo Fraction Integer if R has RetractableTo Fraction Integer

RetractableTo Integer if R has RetractableTo Integer

RetractableTo R

RightModule %

RightModule R








UniqueFactorizationDomain if R has UniqueFactorizationDomain
